I'm missing a tooth/teeth. What are my options?
The first thing to consider when deciding upon a replacement for your missing teeth is if you want your replacement to be permanently positioned within your mouth or if you would consider having a removable replacement. The permanent options are implants and bridges. These options are permanently placed or cemented within your mouth and cannot be removed. The removable options include dentures and removable partial dentures (partials for short). These replacements are removable and resemble retainers that are generally removed at bedtime.
There are pros and cons to each type of replacement. Each procedure has a variety of designs and material options. It is important to explore all your options first as cost and insurance benefits vary with each option.
Give us a call today at 616-284-3200 and we would be happy to schedule a consult to discuss what options would be best for you!
I hate needles!
Believe me - you are not alone. The injection is probably the most feared aspect of the dental procedure. It is amazing what the profession has done recently to decrease and often eliminate the anxiety associated with "the shot". One such innovation is that of strong topical anesthetic prior to the injection. This is a medicated topical gel that is placed at the injection site for approximately one minute. The gel numbs the tissue and many times will make the injection virtually painless. Another aspect of dentistry that is moving away from the injection is that of conservative / preventative dental care. This philosophy utilizes the latest in dental technology (lasers, air abrasion, digital radiography) to diagnose a cavity when it is small and can most likely be removed and treated without the use of anesthetic.
We take the care and comfort of our patients extremely serious at Belmont Dentistry. We are are committed to providing the latest and best treatments available. Give us a call today at 616-284-3200 and we would be happy to schedule a consult to discuss your needs!
Will bleaching work for me?
There are several different approaches to bleaching or whitening your teeth. The three available options are "whitening" toothpastes, take-home kits and professionally having your teeth whitened at a dental office. The first thing to be aware of is bleaching is only effective on your natural tooth structure. Crowns, fillings and other artificial teeth cannot be lightened with bleaching. This is important to realize because if you choose to use bleach, your previous dental work may appear darker than your now lighter bleached teeth. It may be necessary to replace previous work after the bleaching process for a more balanced and matched look. The second thing to be aware of is that bleaching works predominantly on the external staining of the teeth.
Typically, professional bleaching offered through your dental office will achieve the most predictable results. This usually involves applying concentrated bleaching gels to the teeth either directly within the office or with a customized take-home tray. This can be a nice avenue because the office can help to customize your care in response to your desired result. Also, if sensitivity is a concern, most offices will have strategies to help to minimize and often eliminate this possible side effect.
We would be happy to further discuss the exciting prospect of whitening and improving your smile! Give us a call today at 616-284-3200 for a consult.
Why are my teeth wearing down?
The wearing down of your teeth or noticing the ends of your teeth chipping or cracking is a common occurrence. Interestingly, this is not typically linked to diet. Excessive wear on the teeth is usually caused by tooth-to-tooth contact. This is known as bruxism (clenching or grinding your teeth). More often than not, this occurs at night during sleep as a way of releasing tension. Excessive wear on your teeth is just one of the many signs associated with clenching and grinding. Other common signs and symptoms include frequent headaches in the temple region, popping and clicking of the jaw joint, frequent bite marks on the insides of your cheeks and tension/soreness within the muscles of the jaw and face. Usually these signs and symptoms start out small and pain free, but if left untreated they can progress to fractured and broken teeth, arthritic changes to the jaw joint (TMJ) and migraine type headaches.
Fortunately the treatment for clenching and grinding is conservative and cost effective. The key is early treatment and a preventative approach. This usually involves having a custom splint (or bite guard) made to wear at night or throughout the day as needed. There are many materials, designs and types available. It is important to have your dentist design a splint that appropriately addresses your concerns.
Be proactive and start protecting your teeth and smile today! For a consult, give us a call at 616-284-3200!
Why do I need a crown?
A crown offers valuable services for your tooth. A crown braces and protects the tooth from fracturing under the heavy forces of biting and chewing, as well as, creates a seal for the tooth from the destructive and infectious effects of bacteria within the saliva. Most often a crown is recommended when it is determined that your tooth is susceptible to either fracture (a large previous filling showing signs of breaking down) or contamination from bacteria (usually after having a root canal). The most common emergency our dental office addresses is fractured or broken teeth. Usually the tooth has a large filling (replacing more than 1/3 of the natural tooth structure) and the filling had a "wedging effect" that fractured part of the remaining natural tooth structure. In some circumstances it is a very painful situation for the patient, as the nerve of the tooth has been exposed and is infected. Although the treatment is straightforward and effective (root canal and crown), the patient's schedule and lifestyle has been inconvenienced. This situation may have been avoided by having a crown placed when the tooth was showing signs of breakage. This is one of the many things that are evaluated at periodic recall exams at your dental office.
If you have experienced a fractured tooth or are concerned about the possibility, give us a call at 616-284-3200. We would be happy to offer you an evaluation and consult!
Can my dentist improve my sleep?
Unfortunately, the lack of quality and restful sleep seems to be a common complaint today. Lack of restful sleep has been connected to a multitude of health issues including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, strokes, depression and many others. Although restless sleep can be attributed to a multitude of things, two of the most common factors are snoring and sleep apnea. Both of these conditions are linked to the airflow (or lack thereof) from your nose/mouth to your lungs. With snoring, many times the tissue in the back of your throat is partially covering your airway. As you breathe, the tissue vibrates and results in the noise referred to as "snoring". Snoring not only can be disruptive to the snorers sleep quality, but can also impact anyone within earshot! Sleep apnea is a serious condition. The tissue completely covers the airway and blocks the intake of oxygen. This results in an "episode" where an individual is abruptly awoken from their sleep to get air into their lungs. Depending on how many episodes a person has throughout the night corresponds to the severity of the sleep apnea. If you suspect you or someone you know has sleep apnea, it is highly recommended you have a sleep study done to determine the severity.
One of the most conservative and cost effective ways to manage both snoring and sleep apnea is by using a mouth appliance. Although there are many types and designs, the basic premise is to keep the airway open and unblocked, which can eliminate snoring and sleep apnea episodes. Some appliances accomplish this by pulling the lower jaw forward and others utilize a design to depress and reposition the tongue. Both of these approaches are effective. Your dental office will be able to discuss your particular needs and recommend an appropriate design. It is recommended that if you are using an appliance as a treatment for sleep apnea that you follow up with a sleep study while wearing the appliance to confirm that your episodes have been addressed.
Call us today at 616-284-3200 for a consult regarding this important and potentially life changing treatment!
White fillings or silver fillings?
Deciding what type of filling material to use to fill your tooth can be confusing and frustrating. Not only are there many materials to choose from, but there are also many opinions about those materials (some scientifically based and others not) that play into the decision. Silver fillings (also called amalgams) are a combination of different metals (copper, nickel, etc.) mixed with mercury to allow the filling to be adapted and shaped within the cavity. After approximately 24 hours from placement, the silver filling has hardened and can withstand chewing forces. Silver fillings have a lot of history behind them, as they were the material of choice in dentistry for many years. Many dental offices still believe in them as an appropriate filling material and offer it to their patients. There is a concern about the mercury contained within the material and potential health concerns. It is recommended that you discuss it this with your dentist, as well as to do your own due diligence in researching the topic. Be sure that the advice you seek is from a reputable peer-reviewed source due to the many opinions of the topic. The alternative material is "white" or "tooth colored" (also called composites or resins). These materials are a type of plastic that is bonded to the tooth and hardened by a light or a chemical reaction. These materials have evolved and have greatly improved over the years, as they can now compete with amalgams in regard to stability and longevity.
There are advantages and disadvantages to each material and it is recommended that you discuss the options with your dentist to determine the best material for you.
Does my insurance cover that?
Dental insurances are an excellent tool to help finance your dental treatment. However, many times the specific terms of the benefit can be very confusing for a patient to understand. Insurance policies are purchased by employers for their employees as a benefit. The employer decides upon a policy based on many factors. Depending on the employer's budget, the policy will have defined benefits for the employee. Two important benefits are the annual benefit amount and the percentages of coverage. The annual benefit is the amount of money the employee may use towards their dental treatment in a calendar year (usually ranges from $1000-$2500). After the employee has used the annual benefit amount, any remaining care is at the employee's expense. Also, if any benefit remains or is not utilized within the calendar year, it does not carry over to the next year and is lost. The percentages of care are determined by the policy bought by the employer. There are different categories of care defined by the insurance companies. These categories include preventative (cleanings, x-rays, exams), operative (fillings, extractions, root canals), prosthodontic (crowns, bridges, partials, dentures) and Orthodontic (braces). The policy usually has different percentages assigned to each category. For example, if your policy stated it will cover 50% in the prosthodontic category, then a crown would be covered at 50%. If the total fee for the crown is $800, then $400 would come from the employee's annual benefit amount and the remaining $400 would be at the employee's expense.
Other terms to be aware of are deductibles, waiting periods, missing tooth exclusions and age limitations. It can be a bit overwhelming and confusing to understand your dental insurance benefits, but many times your dental office can assist.
Ask for a consult or an amount of time at your initial exam to define your benefits. It will help you plan and manage your care more effectively, as well as avoid confusion and frustration in the future. Although insurance can help lower the financial investment you make in your dental care, it is recommended you choose a dental practice based on the quality of care and professional relationship you develop with that office. In the end you will be more satisfied of the care you receive.
Give us a call today at 616-284-3200 for a consult!